Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Minute of Biscuit #11 - Golden Retriever is Crazy Mad

This week has been super busy with the Thanksgiving holiday and then the black Friday shopping. And, we cannot forget about small business Saturday. Needless to say, I have been working and formulating ideas for my shop. However, I have come to a standstill in producing videos because we had a construction crew finally show up to reside the house.

Yes, are place is an absolute disaster for the holiday season! We were supposed to have the entire project completed earlier during the spring season. That would allow us time to landscape around the house in the summer, which would have made our house in tip top shape by the time fall came along with the holidays. But, one general contractor, one electrician, and three construction crews later, we find ourselves in deep construction stress of getting the project done before the snow flies!

Of course, that leaves Biscuit in the middle of all the confusion and chaos. And she doesn't like it one bit!

Some of you may have dogs that are afraid of loud noises and banging. Well, Biscuit does not like that and people in general that are not family members. She is more of a guard dog than the friendly, people oriented golden we were expecting to get. Just see for yourself in this video!

She has been like this everyday since the construction process started. Let's just say our whole family with Biscuit included will be very happy when this project is done!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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