Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Minute of Biscuit #1 - Dirt Pile! What Every Golden Needs in Their Back Yard!

Have you ever had one of those days where you are trying to clean up something like a closet, cupboard, or a blog for instance? Well, I was reorganizing my blog so everyone can find things easily, especially myself :), and I realized.... I never posted the very first Minute with Biscuit segment!

I couldn't believe it! After all, this is the video that started it all. I love this video as it shows who Biscuit truly is: a down to earth, get in the dirt kind of dog. She really is rambunctious. It is like everyone says, golden retrievers are obedience stars, they just don't come with the obedience degree.

She really tries to listen as we tell her to do this and don't do that. But, she is just a dog and likes to dig and get dirty sometimes. And, it is at those times that I just have to sit back and laugh. Enjoy!

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