Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Holidays are Just Around the Corner

I have been busy working and sewing this past week for the holidays. Yes, I know that Halloween is this weekend, but they already started playing the Christmas music in the stores and pushing the sale of holiday décor. In short, I got to thinking about upcoming sales for the holidays and needed to do something special.

I also thought that it would be a good idea to share a little more about how my packages are shipped. Here is a picture of when I wrapped a package this morning that will be shipped out this next week (I am still waiting for the shipping address, so that is why I am delayed from shipping it out today!)

All my sales are wrapped in white tissue paper and either wrapped in jute string or ribbon. I include a gift tag like the one on this package or a note card seen on the bottom of this photo at no extra charge! All you have to do is let me know who the package is for and from. I can also write a little message in the card if you wish!
I love making all my sales a special surprise whether it is for a birthday, holiday, special occasion, or just because. The package is also wrapped for the buyer so they can feel that extra special glee of opening a present. After all, who doesn't like opening up a gift on any day of the year?
I also made a video for those of you who are curious to know how I wrap and ship my packages for my Etsy store. This can be applied to other online stores as well such as Amazon, eBay, or a business website that you run and manage. No matter what you may be selling, a personal wrapped gift is always appreciated. Check out my video below!
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment field below.
Remember to be creative and have fun this holiday season! Hope you have a great day!

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