Friday, October 16, 2015

Etsy Shop Tip #2

So, you here about branding a lot. And branding on Etsy usually takes the form of a digital icon with a matching store banner at the minimum. But, there is an important piece of branding that many shop owners overlook. It's business cards!

Yes, I know we are running an online shop. And, many online shops typically don't feature a brick and mortar store when they are small business run by a sole owner or a partnership. Usually they are run in the studio or office of a house. But, besides spending time marketing online to your customers, you also need to think about the potential customers you run into at the grocery store, at the park, or even in church! (I personally have a thing against doing business in a place of public worship from my Christian background so I don't target people at church, but boy does the subject come up unexpectedly from someone else sitting next to me!)

Please watch my latest video on how I make my own business cards and more reasons on why if you don't have a business card, you should get one fast!


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