Monday, December 7, 2015

Golden Retriever Puppy Makes a Christmas Ornament (A Minute of Biscuit #13)

So has everyone had fun Christmas shopping this year? I kicked off my holiday shopping on Black Friday. I made a handful of purchases for gifts, but I also found some time to pick things up for myself and Biscuit! Watch the video below to see what I got!

Of course the ornament didn't turn out as well as I thought it would. I become disappointed when a craft project doesn't look like that on the box. But, it will work out for this Christmas season until I can find another ornament to replace it. However, I do like the clay for molding and free shaping other ornaments. It was not a good clay to press down with and dry though. Not like the plaster ornaments I had made in school!

So, have you ever done a craft project with your dog before? It can be for either a holiday like Christmas or a just because creative kind of day. Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for watching and have a Merry Christmas!

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