Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Minute of Biscuit #12 - Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

It's a snow day! Yeah!!! So, it was a great day for Biscuit and I to romp around outside. And... to build a snowman! Do you want to watch us build a snowman? I sure hope you do!

As you can see, Biscuit was getting the hang of it. Even though she is 2 years old and this is her third winter, we have never built a snowman before. This is because we never had much snow in the past two winters she has been with us. Because of all this snow, we are hoping to get some more videos of us playing in it. Maybe sledding is in the future? I know that my brother has had is snowmobile sit in the shed for the past few years. So, if he can get that running, I will try to get a minute of Biscuit of the snowmobiling we like to do in our Minnesota winters.

Thanks for watching!

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